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BOS Minutes 2 15 05
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 15,  2005

Present:  Chairman Colbert. Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant


Doug Hall opened the meeting at 7:05PM on behalf of the Selectmen and Dave Marsh opened the meeting on behalf of the School Board.  Doug Hall introduced the Selectmen, David Colbert, Richard DeBold and Stephen MacCleery.  Dave Marsh introduced the School Board members, Paul Twomey, Ben Brown and John Poirier.

Susan Slack, who is an attorney with Local Government Center gave a power point presentation on SB-2.  SB-2 falls under RSA 40:13.  Ms. Slack gave details on how the RSA works.  

The floor was opened to the Petitioners.  Mr. Dean Wolfe spoke for the Petitioners.  He stated that SB-2 allows more people to participate in the process; it allows more people the ability to vote, i.e. if a person can not get out of their home; a person has a childcare issue or if people have to work on Saturday or can not stay for the entire Town Meeting, then they can get an absentee ballot and vote.   Mr. Wolfe also feels that some people are intimidated at Town Meetings and will not vote or speak up, he stated voting in private is better and more people will vote.

Response from some residents were:

1.      During deliberative session people talk over and exchange information; session really worked but, there were less people at the deliberative sessions and they control the outcome of the session;
2.      At Town Meetings there is a strong sense of community; at Town Meeting we can rule ourselves, talk to each other; there are better alternatives then SB-2;
3.      If Chichester becomes an SB-2 town we will have to get rid of the “wooden box” and get an electronic counting machine;
4.      Some towns that have voted for SB-2 found it did not work and want it repealed;
5.      SB-2 is a comprised schedule, the idea of “special interest groups” in favor of a certain  article will go twice to ensure no changes; those opposed will only go once to a deliberative session to amend the article to defeat it making the vote on the official ballot ineffective;
6.      A rhetorical question was asked regarding the budget.  It was stated that no one came to any of the budget committee work sessions and only 13 residents came to the budget hearing and yet there will be about 400 to 500 uninformed people voting at Town Meeting how will an SB-2 town change the turn out of people for the deliberative sessions;
7.      A statement was made regarding how long it took Epsom in the voting booth, it took between 15 and 20 minutes for each voter to read the ballot.  You are only permitted no more than 10 minutes in the voting booth and 5 minutes if there is a line, however, this time limit was not strictly adhered to;
8.      There was a concern about absentee ballots going to persons who were not informed and were voting based on other peoples thoughts or persuasions;

A resident wanted to know how the School Board and Board of Selectmen felt about SB-2, if they were for it or against it.  The School Board and two of the Board of Selectmen are not in favor of Chichester being an SB-2 town.  Selectman MacCleery did not voice an opinion

After no further discussion or questions the meeting was adjourned by Doug Hall at 8:40PM.

Chairman Colbert opened the Selectmen’s meeting at 8:50.

SUBJECT:  Mr. Joe Austin


Mr. Austin came to the Board with a question regarding his development on Dover Road.  He asked the Board about building a model home that will be used as a selling tool and will not be sold until all other units have been sold.  Mr. Austin stated that he spoke to Stan Brehm, of the Planning Board who told Mr. Austin that he could not build a model because the Town of Chichester does not allow “mixed use” meaning that the model would be a commercial building and that you could not have a commercial building mixed with residential dwellings.  Mr. Austin was advised to meet with the Planning Board.  Mr. Austin said he would schedule a meeting with the Planning Board.

Selectman MacCleery stated that he received some calls asking if the Warrant Articles and Budget could be put on line.  He stated that he spoke to Fred Shaw who offered to help with that task.  Mr. Guida called Selectman MacCleery about frost heaves in front of his driveway on Pleasant Street, Mr. Guida stated that the culverts were going down or the road was going up and said that the road needs to be shimed.

The Road Agent, David Kennally through Patty Wooster asked if he could post the roads.  Selectman DeBold made a Motion: “The request of the Road Agent to post the roads as authorized by the Selectmen and to prevent unreasonable damage or extraordinary municipal expenses in accordance with RSA 231:191 the Road Agent shall post the roads, should the road conditions change then the Road Agent will lift the posting.” The Motion was seconded by Chairman Colbert, all in were in favor, Motion passed.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of February 8, 2005 were approved.     

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery